02 August 2014

Pets on Quilts 2014 - Mr. Carter Santa's Little Helper

As everyone knows I absolutely adore my little Carter dog!  He is my little buddy and definitely a mama's boy!  And when I'm quilting or sewing, he knows that mama needs his help as well!

So the Pets on Quilt Pet Show going on at Lily Pad Quilting is right up my alley!

This entry is for the Dog/Puppy on Quilt category.  I snapped this pic on my phone when I was working on my Christmas quilt for my mom last year.  I had put all of the blocks on the floor downstairs and when I turned around this little guy was giving me this look.  Can't be mad at this little face!

Do you have a cute pic of your pet on a quilt?  Come join the fun & click on the button below!  


  1. How cute is he! What a sweet face :)

  2. You're so right, that is definitely not a face you can be annoyed with. He's a cutie.,

  3. He is absolutely adorable and no, definitely can't get mad when they are just helping out :)

  4. Oh my - what cuteness!! No you can't get mad at that face.

  5. Oh my cuteness, he is adorable. That face would get him anything he wanted around here.

  6. He is so cute! They always want to help us with our quilts don't they ;-D

  7. Someone's trying to get your attention! Great photo :)

  8. Oh my goodness, what a face! Thank you for sharing him with us!

  9. Very cute! They seem to know when the right time is to photobomb your layouts alright!

  10. Melissa, your little Carter is too sweet, i wouldn't be able to shoo him off the quilt blocks!

  11. What a sweet little face. I'd have a hard time getting any work done with a sweetheart around like that. I'd be too busy snuggling! Hahaha, beautiful quilt and thanks for sharing your buddy with us.

  12. Oh seriously....it THIS not the most adorable picture!! What a cutie he is Melissa! I wouldn't have been able to get mad either.

  13. How could a mommy be mad at a face like that?

  14. That face says, no Mom you can't move me, I am too cute to move! Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Susie x
