12 November 2014

NEW ARRIVAL - Lost & Found Love

I'm SUPER excited to share with you the newest arrival in my Etsy Shop.

When I saw this Lost & Found Love quilt featured on the Riley Blake homepage, I knew I HAD to have this line!  It is BRAND new and beautiful, I couldn't wait for Valentine's day to share with you so I listed in my shop today!

The pattern for the 45x54 quilt, starts with a Fat Quarter bundle of all prints in the line - which can be found here in my Etsy Store :)  Lost and Found Love Fat Quarter Bundle

 I also have the main red print in my store, the main print in black, pink hearts, and the  2.5" Rolie Polie

To make things even better, the pattern is FREE on Riley Blake's website! Doesn't get much better than that!!


Hope you love it too!  Get it? Love? Yeah sometimes I try to be funny LOL.  And if you're not quite ready for Valentine's Day, I also still have cute Christmas Fabric in my store as well - so check it out!

20 October 2014

Awkward Corner Makeover

Does every house have that one place that's just a bit awkward & they don't know what to do with it?  In our house its the corner.  Its between the kitchen and dining room, on the other side of our fridge.

I knew it had potential but I just never knew what to do with it.  That is until I found this at Target!  I hoped it fit and loaded it up in my Honda and brought this baby home!

I thought the glass doors gave the perfect opportunity to display all of my cookbooks, while keeping them dust free.  I made a table runner for the top & my mom got me these antique cake platters for my birthday, the perfect place to display them - aren't they fabulous?!

And finally I came across two pictures at Shopko.  Since one was damaged I was able to negotiate with the manager and get them both 50% off!  Little did they know, this "damage" was going to be perfect to fit over the ugly phone jack in the middle of my wall!  Put it all together, and taaa-daa!  Awkward no more!

14 October 2014

September Reading Recap

When I Found You by Catherine Ryan Hyde (5 Stars)

I really enjoy a book that isn't the typical story & "When I Found You" was one of those books.  Well-written, unexpected, and touching - this was the perfect book to read while lounging under a blanket watching the leaves fall with a cup of tea.

The story begins with Nathan McCann.  The author immediately makes the reader feel for Nathan who seems to be lonely and in a loveless marriage.  In a moment that changed his life, duck hunting one morning Nathan and his dog find a tiny baby left in the woods wrapped in a sweater.  Nathan bonds with this child in the short time it takes to bring him to the police and decides he wants to adopt the boy.  However, this is where the story starts to depart from the expected.  The baby is given to its grandmother to raise, yet through the years Nathan always carries a soft spot for him.  A story of heartbreak, trauma, and unconditional love despite all odds made me truly enjoy this book.  On a scale of 1 - 5, I give it 5 stars.

08 September 2014

August Reading Recap

We Were Liars by E. Lockhart  (4 stars)

Whimsical and mysterious, We Were Liars grabs you by the hand and pulls you right in.  Teenager Cadence Sinclair is the oldest grandchild of the prestigious Sinclair family which comes from old East-Coast money.  The Sinclair family summers on the private Beachwood Island, Cadence spending her time with her cousins Johnny, Mirren, and family friend Gat - the 4 of them referred to as The Liars.  However, after a mysterious accident when she was 15, Cady is now trying to figure out what exactly happened.  Amnesia, heartbreak, and a family of secrets, this is the type of book you cannot put down.

05 August 2014

Trip to the North Shore & July Reading Recap

This year for our Wedding Anniversary we went up to the North Shore of Lake Superior.  It was beautiful weather and we had an amazing time!  One of our favorite parts of the trip was seeing the giant ships coming into to Duluth and Twin Harbors.

In Duluth we headed to Canal Park to see if there were any ships coming in.  We timed it just about perfect.  There were tons of cars & people around and we noticed that the lift bridge was up.  The Roger Blough was coming into to port!

We learned from Duluth Shipping News she was built in 1972 and is 858 feet long.  Does anyone else think its interesting that most ships are named after men, but referred to as ladies?? Anyway, out on the pier we were sooo close to her coming in and going under the lift bridge. Great start to our trip!

As we worked our way north, our next stop was Split Rock Lighthouse.  I had gone here with my family when I was young, so it was a really good experience to share with my husband as well.  We had another beautiful/sunny day.

Easy to see where the lighthouse gets its name!

While there, we got to tour the lighthouse as well as the grounds and the light-keeper's homes.  There is also a museum and gift shop where we learned about the multiple shipwrecks in November 1905 which lead to its construction.  And after seeing the huge freighters up close in person, its hard to fathom them running into the rocky shoreline and sinking.  Which leads me to my July Reading Recap...

Steel on the Bottom by Frederick Stonehouse (5/5)

I picked up this book to learn more about Great Lakes Shipwrecks and with eight different stories it was a good choice!  It feels kind of morbid to be excited about a shipwreck book, but I found each of the stories fascinating.  Have you seen the quotes on Pinterest about having a "book hangover" and needing time before reading the next book?  That's how I felt about Steel on the Bottom.  Only it was after each chapter.  After reading about each wreck, the people involved, how everything went down, and coast guard conclusions on how they could have been prevented, I needed time to digest.  I wanted to give each story my full attention, so it took me a couple weeks to finish the book.  When I only had one more chapter to read, I kept putting it off. I didn't want the book to end.  I think I have found a new genre of books for me, this book had me thoroughly immersed . If you ever get a chance to see these great ships in person, you've gotta do it.  Even if you don't think you'd be interested, just do it.  Their size and how they maneuver is remarkable.  And even if you don't see them in person, I recommend the book whole-hardheartedly.  You won't be disappointed!

02 August 2014

Pets on Quilts 2014 - Dog Themed Quilt

My Carter loves to help his mama sew.  And if you've spent time around my blog you've seen proof of that!

He's helped me pick out fabric to make curtains for our garage: 

Tested out the layout of a Christmas quilt:

And finally has a quilt of his very own!  

This is my submission of a Dog-Themed Quilt project for the 2014 Pets on Quilts show at Lily Pad Quilting.  This quilt is simple squares of dog bone print and a bunch of different types of dogs in blue and brown print.  I just stitched them together randomly to make a small quilt for Carter.  And....it looks like he approves!  

Does this still qualify since its technically a Quilt on a Pet?! :) 
Check out all of the cute submissions and then after the submissions close - come back to vote for your favorites!  

Pets on Quilts 2014 - Mr. Carter Santa's Little Helper

As everyone knows I absolutely adore my little Carter dog!  He is my little buddy and definitely a mama's boy!  And when I'm quilting or sewing, he knows that mama needs his help as well!

So the Pets on Quilt Pet Show going on at Lily Pad Quilting is right up my alley!

This entry is for the Dog/Puppy on Quilt category.  I snapped this pic on my phone when I was working on my Christmas quilt for my mom last year.  I had put all of the blocks on the floor downstairs and when I turned around this little guy was giving me this look.  Can't be mad at this little face!

Do you have a cute pic of your pet on a quilt?  Come join the fun & click on the button below!  

28 July 2014

Riley Blake Christmas Basics - Christmas in July

I can't believe July is almost over.  There are even a couple trees around the area that a starting to change color!  I for one, am excited.  I love Fall and getting into the fall mood, means Christmas is right around the corner!  And right now, I have the cutest Riley Blake Christmas fabric in my Etsy shop!

Riley Blake Designs "Christmas Basics" - Trees on Blue

Riley Blake Designs "Christmas Basics" - Snowmen & Christmas Trees on Pink

Aren't these the sweetest prints?!?  I love that they are not your "traditional" Christmas colors, but still give you the full taste of the season.  Plus anytime you can get pink in there, you know I'm game!

I also couldn't resist these buttons with white "stitching".  It was hard to narrow down, but I thought the Red, Teal, and Pink coordinated perfectly with this new fabric!

I'd love if you take a minute to check out my shop & see what I've got on there.  When I first opened it, it wasn't to make a big profit - I only wanted to share items I love! And each item, I do truly love!  I hope you do too :)

07 July 2014

Happy Monday #24

I couldn't agree more, Carter brings me more happiness than I thought was even possible.  I absolutely love this little guy!

Hope you and your pup have a Happy Monday!

30 June 2014

June Reading Recap

The Sugar Queen by Sarah Addison Allen (5/5)
 The Sugar Queen

It's hard to find those books that you really connect with and The Sugar Queen was just one of those.  The author's writing makes it easy to identify with the main character Josey and root for good things to happen for her.  The daughter of a wealthy family, her father passed away when Josey was young and feels like she needs to make up for her rebellious childhood by taking constant care of her demanding mother.  In turn, Josey is sad and lonely - drowning her feelings in sweet treats (something I think a lot of us can sympathize with!).  When she wakes up one morning to an unexpected visitor hiding in her closet, things in Josey's life begin to change.

I wholeheartedly loved this book!  The authors breezy writing made it the perfect book to bring along on vacation.  Easy to pick up and start reading where I left off, but kept me engrossed enough that I couldn't stop until I finished it one morning while enjoying the view of Lake Superior from the deck of our vacation home.

Totally recommend!  Both the book...and the relaxing vacation on the North Shore :)

27 May 2014

May Reading Recap

This month's book comes from my Kindle.  I synced my Kindle and it downloaded a book that I don't even remember buying.  Does this happen to anyone else? I'm not sure if it was one I found free, accidentally ordered at somepoint, or if I just am getting old & forgot I bought it.  Either way, it was like a mini Christmas!

Hidden by Catherine McKenzie (2/5)

Written from the perspective of Jeff Manning and the women in his life, alternating by chapter.  Following his untimely death - his wife struggles with grief as well as secrets she uncovers.  With many questions and suspicions, it is a bonus for the reader to go back and read chapters from Jeff.  Unfortunately, however I did not enjoy the topic of this book.  While I believe the title of Hidden may be eluding to the fact that there are secrets kept in marriage, I felt like it glorified infidelity.  I would read another book by this author, but I would read the description and choose one on a different subject.  

12 May 2014

28 April 2014

27 April 2014

My First Craft Fair!

Yesterday was the big day - my very first Craft Fair!  And I call it a success!  It was a beautiful day here in WI - which besides Easter Sunday, was the very first one all Spring!  Unfortunately, I think that since it was so nice out, people were more inclined to spend time outside and less time shopping :(  Thus I only made two sales - one to my mom (thanks mom!) and one from my good friend Heather.  Regardless, I had a great time and I hope to do another one again some time!

My Table
 Do you guys like these Microwavable Rice bags?  So nice to heat up on put on sore muscles or I like them when I have a headache.  Since sometimes after being used over & over they can start to smell a little like cooked rice (duh, it IS rice!), I infused mine with Essential Oils.  Love these!
Aromatherapy Rice Bags. 
I didn't sell either of my baby quilts, but I did get quite a few comments on the fun, bright colors!

When we were up at my parent's farm for Easter I was able to get some gorgeous pictures of them hanging on their clothesline.  They are now on my Etsy shop if you want to check them out!  http://www.etsy.com/shop/mymeller

Overall it was a great experience!  Another cool thing was networking and seeing other peoples crafts, I learned about the world of Scentsy - how did I not know about this!  I also met another vendor who lives in the same town as me and shares the same love I have for Moda and Riley Blake fabrics.  We even discussed the possibility of starting a Modern Quilting group here in town - something that is desperately needed!  

05 April 2014

New Itms in my Etsy Shop & Getting Ready for the Craft Fair

I just love when I get home from work and there is a box of new fabric here for my Etsy Shop.  While contemplating opening my own shop, I decided that I would not list anything that I didn't LOVE. And the Giraffe Crossing line from Riley Blake - I LOVE LOVE!

Riley Blake Designs "Giraffe Crossing" by The RBD Designers -Giraffe Main Brown C2850-BROWN

Riley Blake Designs "Giraffe Crossing" by The RBD Designers -Giraffe Trees Teal C2851-TEAL

In addition to these adorable prints, I also have 5" Stackers - which are a 5 inch square of each fabric in the Giraffe Crossing line (similar to a Charm Pack by Moda).  They are all super cute and I think would make a perfect quilt for a little boy!

The other line I just got in is And Sew On by Henry glass.  I mean, come on, how could I resist those adorable little scissors!
Henry Glass "And Sew On Collection" - Patchwork Print Fabric
Henry Glass "And Sew On Collection" - Black Scissors Henry Glass "And Sew On Collection" - Red Scissors

I had a little set back with my Craft Fair preparations. Two weeks ago I hurt a disc in my back, wow I have never experienced something like that! It was awful, I could barely move.  Its finally starting to feel better where I can go up & down stairs again, and don't need help from my husband to go from sitting to standing.  Unfortunately, with being out of commission with my back - I have gotten as much sewing done as I wanted to have complete by April :( Today has been the first day I've gotten back into my Craft Room, so I've got some catching up to do!

03 April 2014

March Reading Recap

First off, I am excited to announce I have signed up for my first Craft Fair!  I've been spending time sewing & getting ready for it, so I only have one book to review for March.

The Light Between Oceans by M.L. Stedman (4/5)

Tom Sherbourne, a young, quiet and reserved veteran, decides to take a lighthouse keepers post on Janus Rock, the most southwestern island of Australia between the Southern and Indian Oceans.  Before departing he meets Isabel, a feisty and fun girl, and after writing back & forth, the two get married and start their life together on the secluded post.  After dealing with infertility and Tom's guilt over surviving war when so many of his comrades were lost, it's as if their dreams came true when a stranded boat appears on the shore along with a baby - who they name Lucy.  Isabel who is a natural mother loves the child as her own, and little Lucy makes her way into Tom's heart as well.  However, upon learning more about the situation surrounding how Lucy came into their lives, Tom and Isabel become divided about what to do next.

This is a well-written book and the author makes it easy to get lost in the story and what it would be like to live isolated on an island keeping the beacon of light for passing ships.  Overall, I give it a 4 out of 5.

23 March 2014

February Reading Recap

Yikes its almost the end of March & I'm just now doing my February Reading Recap.

Even though February was a short month, with the cold and snowy month we had here in Wisconsin I was able to finish two books.

The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom (5/5)

 I saw on a Pinterest list of book suggestions where someone said this book "changed their life".  To me that was is a pretty significant claim, so I had to check the book out.  The story follows the Ten Boom family during World War II.  Corrie, the daughter of a successful Watchmaker, becomes involved in the underground network to save Jews from the Nazis.  Unfortunately after saving many lives by getting them out of the country and finding safe homes, including hiding 6 people in a secret room in their own home, the Ten Boom family was caught.  Despite the hardships and pain ensuing from their capture, being split up, and their time in concentration camps, Corrie and her sister Betsie continue their quest to help others with kindness and sharing their faith.  This was a powerful and intense read, but the strength and the goodness in Corrie's heart shows how truly wonderful of a person she was. I recommend this to EVERYBODY!!

The Bungalow by Sarah Jio (4.5/5)

After the intense read of The Hiding Place, I wanted something lighter to read next.  I really really enjoyed The Violets of March: A Novel by Sarah Jio (probably one of my top 10 books of all time), so I was excited to read something else from her. This wasn't as light of a book as I was expecting, but nonetheless I liked it.  Anne, a young woman volunteers with her best friend Kitty to serve in the Army Nurse Corps based on the island of Bora Bora during World War II.  She meets and falls in love with a soldier, Westy, and the two discover a hidden Bungalow on the beach.  After Westy's troop is deployed for a mission, learning of violence against women on the base and witnessing a gruesome crime that alters their lives forever, Anne is determined to find the truth of what happened.

Once again, two good book choices although they were both a little intense.  Once it warms up (if Spring ever comes), I am looking forward to reading something a little more fun and lighter.  I'm always looking for new suggestions, have you read any "must reads" lately?

03 February 2014

January Reading Recap

One of my goals for 2014 (and I say goals not resolutions, because I think of it more as a goal), is to spend less time idle-ing around online and more time reading.  I love to read but somehow at night, I tend to just browse around on Facebook or Pinterest and I would like to do something more constructive.  So I want to read at least one book per month.

The types of books I like are light reading, nothing too stressful or scary or intense.  One thing I've noticed about reading, is I'm not one of those people who remembers the name of books or authors.  So I thought that writing about them on my blog would be a great way to keep track of my goal and also share my thoughts in case anyone was looking for book suggestions too!

I started January off strong and finished two books - Mud Season by Ellen Stimson and Someday, Someday, Maybe: A Novel by Lauren Graham.

Mud Season by Ellen Stimson (3/5)

This story starts when Ellen Stimson and her husband fall in love with the state of Vermont and decide to move there from the Midwest.  I have never been to Vermont but the way she describes it, I can see how they fell in love with it.  While there they remodel an old farm house, decide to buy the local country store, and get some sheep and chickens.  It was a interesting story to follow their adventures, and I liked how real the author is.  Sometimes I did get a little frustrated with the decisions she made, but I'm a planner and you can totally get that she is a free-spirit.  It is a light and interesting read, I'm going to be passing this one along to share with my mom.

Someday, Someday Maybe: A Novel by Lauren Graham (4/5)

This book I found on my Kindle!  Sometimes at work I hear about books I want to read, so I'll buy them and then forget they are on my Kindle at home.  So it was like a little prize for me when I found it on there!  This book is by Lauren Graham, and the name was familiar to me but I wasn't sure where I knew her from.  So I looked her up and she was on Gilmore Girls!  And now Parenthood!

Franny Banks is an aspiring actress in New York who has given herself a timeline for her 'big break' before she decides it might not happen and return home to her fiance and live a 'regular life'.  This is her last year before that deadline and despite a commercial and a few odds & ends, she hasn't gotten a lot of gigs and is still waitressing to make ends meet.  She has two roommates who are also each trying to get into the entertainment business as well.  I really enjoyed learning more about show business, and the process of going on auditions and getting an agent.  It was fun to here more about how that works, especially from someone who I'm guessing wrote from her own experiences.  

Overall I enjoyed both of the books that I read this month.  I've got a couple new books for February already, and will share my thoughts! One I read about online and its an older book, but the review I read said it changed her life. So that sounds like a must read.  I would love other suggestions if you read something lately (or a while ago) that you want to share!